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November 11th, 2004 at 7:19 pm

olympic doughnuts

Posted in: General

There’s nothing better on a cold and rainy day than to queue up outside that old caravan with the upside down olympic rings on the front and the blue, dolphin-shaped jam squirter within and receive through the little window from a work-worn pair of hands, a small bag of piping hot, sugar-coated treats.

This entry was posted on Thursday, November 11th, 2004 at 7:19 pm and is filed under General. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

4 Responses to “olympic doughnuts”

  1. Daniel Says:

    Last time I was there, it was cold… it was raining… doughnuts would save the day. I stood in the queue, third out of four people. Then I noticed the tram there. Waiting patiently across the street. Could I avoid a walk in the rain? Should I wait for the doughnuts, knowing I’d miss the tram? The guy in the booth chatted with the first customer, carefully preparing more doughnuts.

    I got impatient. It was taking too long. I decided a dry tram ride without doughnuts was better than a walk in the rain (or a long wait) with them. I crossed the street and climbed into the tram.

    Inevitably, we waited until the ordained departure time. A couple of minutes. And sure enough I saw the guy who had been behind me in the queue cross the street and climb into the tram too, clutching his bag of hot doughnuts.

    Next time, come hell or high water, I’ll just wait.

  2. R. H. Says:

    Crikey. I’d feel like snatching them off him.

  3. Miss Trish Says:

    Aww, now I’m going to want doughnuts all day!

  4. That Girl! Says:

    Ah… the peace and harmony that the Olympic Doughnut van can bring to the universal brotherhood. I think they should be the official IOC snack of choice.