Just another WordPress site
October 5th, 2004 at 6:32 pm

one more set than I comfortably need

Posted in: General

Rummaging around this evening for a small box to put something in I came across a plaster cast of a full set of my teeth.
Better keep those – could be useful one day. Maybe. I could frighten/fascinate small children with them I guess (although I don’t know why.)
Anyhoo, continue to rummage. Another box. Another plaster cast of a full set of my teeth.
I can understand perhaps having one set – I have been a poster girl for orthodonic services in my time. But two sets of my teeth? Excessive.

At least I think they’re my teeth.

This entry was posted on Tuesday, October 5th, 2004 at 6:32 pm and is filed under General. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

3 Responses to “one more set than I comfortably need”

  1. Miss Trish Says:

    “…Better keep those – could be useful one day…” HOW?
    Okay, for scaring young children, yes, but for what other possible reason would you keep them? I ask mostly because when I rummage in one particular drawer of junk I come across my four wisdom teeth, and I am keeping them for what may well be similar reasons … or maybe because I just can’t bear to throw my wisdom in the bin?!

  2. R.H. Says:

    I’ve kept all my daughter’s baby teeth. I was a Tooth Fairy.

    (Delete the word “Tooth” and I’ll sue you.)

  3. Erin Says:

    U have inspired me to throw out my plaster-cast teeth that were used to have a mouth guard made! What use indeed! My housemates will be very happy :O)