April 26th, 2004 at 11:16 am
Posted in: General
For some months now, via a friend in Canberra, I’ve been following the fortunes of a gold rimmed ‘Murchison Bowling Club’ glass which has graced the shelves of ‘Revolve’ – a junk shop attached to Canberra tip.
Much speculation has ensued regarding the path of said glass from Murchison (a small town in central Victoria near where my parents live) to the shelf of a Canberra junk shop.
To be, quite clearly, junk and yet to remain intact for this journey is impressive. The glass is made of stern stuff.
But now it’s gone.
I thought it would remain a fixture forever on the shelf – surely no one would buy it?
Has it returned to its original home? Or continued its journey north to warmer climes?
Investigations continue.