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December 15th, 2003 at 12:57 pm

aperitif, anyone?

Posted in: General

Last night I got home and my housemate offered me an aperitif.
Splendid. Lovely pre-dinner drinkies. Just the thing.
Upon relating this occurence to my office mate it became apparent that each of us needs to listen a little more closely to the other (and makes me wonder how many other conversations we’ve had resulting in similar confusion due to poor diction.)
I told Trish that Justine had asked me if I’d like an aperitif. To which I’d responded, “Oooh, yes. Lovely.”
Trish looked at me strangely. “She offered you a pair of teeth?”
“Yes,” said I. “We don’t have them very often. But she had a craving for one.”
“Right,” says Trish. “A pair of teeth. She craved a pair of teeth.”
“Yes, indeed,” said I. “And it was delicious.”
Trish looks confused.
“What?” I asked.
Trish laughs.
I laugh.
Trish: “It wasn’t ‘a pair of teeth’, was it?”
Me: “No.”
Trish: “Just checking.”
Both: loud, extended laughter!!

This entry was posted on Monday, December 15th, 2003 at 12:57 pm and is filed under General. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

2 Responses to “aperitif, anyone?”

  1. Daniel Says:

    At the end of a long, busy day, there’s nothing that hits the spot better than a pair of teeth.

  2. S. G. Ng Says:

    Sadly I have no teeth and so fail to see the humour in this rather trival workplace exchange