to begin
So, it rapidly approaches 12 noon on my stay-at-home-from-work-to-begin-writing-essay day.
Achievements thus far:
Purchased new vacuum cleaner x1;
Purchased new choker chain x1 (for the DOG, previous one lost in park);
Rang council to request new dog registration tag x1 (previous one also lost in park);
Spoke to plumber regarding ongoing plumbing difficulties – he may visit later today;
Loads washing x3 (there was a lot);
Briefly read paper (there may well have been some essay related material lurking within);
Answered phone three times (how do people know I’m here?);
Checked to see if any lovely emails;
Checked to see if any lovely snail mail;
Decisions to change essay topic x4;
Wondering what will have for lunch (on and off since 9.00am).
Hmmm, if have lunch now will stop wasting time wondering about it.
Yes. Then can really begin. Free from distraction.
I’ll give it a try.