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a narrow escape
I was chatting to a friend recently when he confessed to a very close call. Trawling about on the innanet he decided to check out the progress of a movie in development. He looked up the name of the main actor. To find out he was dead. Some strange tangent compelled him to then look […]
the second biggest!
A friend told me he was spending his Friday night at the opening of the Midsumma festival in Federation Square. It’s a lot of fun and there’s always a great crowd. Apparently Midsumma gets the second largest Fed Square crowd across the year (the largest being the new year fireworks). This snippet sent me on […]
where can I get one of these?
There is a washing up fairy! Today at work I left half a dozen water jugs and associated glassware draining on the sink in the kitchen – fully intending to come back and deal with them later. When later finally arrived, I found to my astonishment that everything had disappeared into the cupboards. Washed, dried […]
happy anniversary
Thanks to a reminder in the form of a “Happy Anniversary” card from our close friends at the local real estate agency we are reminded that it is now four years since we bought our house. Well, thank you, fine real estate agency people for your wishes of “many more happy years ahead!” (Exclamation mark […]
an extra hour
It’s four-thirty. Usually by this time of the day I’m being subjected to a lot of nudging in the knee region. By the dog. It’s time for the W. A. L. K. But not today. While we have seen the return of a more usual Maisie today – she’s still not quite back to her […]
anyone order a salmon pizza?
Yesterday my housemate’s colleague asked her if she had had salmon pizza for dinner the night before. “No”, she replied, “we had a tofu (and assorted other veggies) stir fry.” * Curious. Why such interest in our dinner? Apparently, while driving home that night Justine’s colleague had heard a Marita (who allegedly sounded a lot […]
hippetty-hop … flop
Poor, poor possum. Bruised, battered and sorely the worse for wear, little Miss Maisie spent the evening sleeping off the residue of the anaesthetic and pathetically hopping in a very wobbly fashion between her two favourite beds before collapsing again for another snooze. A picture of misery.
cracking up in ’05
In the last week: I participated in a three course meal for six people created from one ostrich egg. One ostrich egg is apparently equivalent to 20-22 regular chicken eggs and requires a chisel to crack it open. There were pancakes with smoked salmon and dill and hollandaise sauce, a quiche (of course) with salad […]
Before I leave for the land of no computers, no internet, no traffic and no work (hooray!) let me wish you all a happy and safe Christmas time however you choose to celebrate. It’s a time of magic – so enjoy!
One of the great things about having a party on the weekend is that you get to live on party leftovers for the next few days. Mmmmmm. Cheesecake and babka for brekkie, lunch and dinner. (Or maybe not). Our dog Maisie is no exception in terms of the party food. Yesterday Justine put some leftover […]