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SO impressed. Today my youngest sibling completed the Melbourne Marathon. Frankston to the city in just on four hours. Running all the way. Averaging around 10km an hour. Apparently his legs are “a bit sore”. Not bad. As for me, I: walked the dog (x2), drove to Carnegie on the promise of a cup of […]


It wasn’t a duck and I didn’t duck and consequently I’m left with a tender spot on my head as the aftermath of being hit by a swooping magpie yesterday (quickly drawing an end to the morning’s dog walking). Grrr. Rotten dog will protect me from innocent joggers and cyclists. But aerial attacks from frenzied […]

yawn, stretch, wake up

I’ve done hibernating from my blog. It’s the change of season. People have nagged. Now I’ve been tagged, so it seems a good ’nuff reason to start again: List five songs that you are currently digging – it doesn’t matter what genre they are from, whether they have words, or even if they’re not any […]

school excursions

Discussions today dealt with the topic of school excursions during our youths – prompted by the daughter of two of the participants returning from a school camp this afternoon. Some people went to pie factories. Some people went to box factories. Some people examined erosion on some poor person’s farm. Others attended the taping of […]


After 14 years I’ve cracked it! Every year since turning 21 my parents have sent me a Tatts ticket for my birthday. Every year it’s a dud. This year it was again a dud. BUT. Daniel doubled my chances by presenting me with another one. And it won!! Fourth division anyway. I’m up $37.55!!!!!!!!!!

lifestyle surveys

People aren’t interested in my youthful thoughts, insights and choices anymore. In turning 35 today, I move from the 25-34 age bracket on lifestyle surveys to the 35-45 bracket or, worse, simply 35+. I’m in a new demographic. Do I have to re-examine my purchasing habits, TV viewing, reading material or whatever else is subject […]

the one blog month

So – another one blog month successfully completed by yours truly (the reluctant blogger). How does one achieve a one blog month? (You might well ask!) I think it might have something to do with too much time spent wondering about stuff, to whit: i. why does the dog happily jump in the slimey pond […]

assessment time again

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Oh yes. The last piece for this semester. And so I’m blogging. Anything is a distraction. Someone was telling me recently that (Uncle Joe) Stalin once invited Don Bradman to the USSR in order to play cricket and that the project was vetoed by Bob Menzies. Sounds unlikely? Oh I think so – smacks of […]

which came first?

There’s a small eating establishment not far from where I live called ‘the Chicken Palace’ . It’s long been the source of wonder for my housemate and I. Which came first? The chicken or the palace? The building itself has some roof decorations which are akin to turrety-type things – did that inspire the name? […]

the little nursemaid

I had a sick day off work last week. Just felt rotten so stayed home with the dog for company. Didn’t do much – just snoozed and took things quietly. I had a little watcher looking out for me most of the day (at least when I was in the non-scary parts of the house). […]