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depressing making

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How is it that a person can do all the right things eg. do the reading, do extra research, write up a pithy paper making important points, find an excellent video which illustrates said points (as well as funny looking 1972 German haircuts), bring in bright and colourful props, actively enjoy chatting to people and […]

productivity = 0; snoozing = 1

Get up early on weekend to take dog for walk. Most productive. Excellent. Which allows me to put on all washing and get it onto line before 9.00 am. Most productive. Excellent. Which allows me to go to market to stock up on provisions for forthcoming week (yes, yes, mr deli man – I know […]

looks like a dog, acts like a dog, smells like … a duck

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Sure, she looks like a dog. And sounds like a dog. And acts like a dog. But she smells like a duck. Eeewwh!! Dogs are such low lifes. They have no couth between them. None. My Maisie is a fine example. Hmmm, is there something disgusting out here to eat? Yes? Then, I’ll eat it! […]


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It’s not often that a battling little teachers’ organisation like the one I work for gets a mention in Parliament. But we made it today! Right there in Hansard (I just looked it up.) How about that? Enshrined forever as an inconsequential political pawn in the ongoing slanging match between the opposition and the government. […]

adam is bored

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It is not enough now for Adam, our indefatigable personal trainer, simply to come down to Footscray Park twice a week with his implements of torture at the ready (medicine balls, weights, those stretchy things, skipping ropes, etc) and a new boot-camp style regime of exercise to inflict upon us. Oh, no. Star Fitness Inc […]

my own personal fanclub

On the weekend I put six pairs of gardening gloves into the washing machine. (That’s three pairs each for all the gardening members of my household. A tad excessive you might think – but they date back to a couple of working bee days we’ve had where volunteers turn up to assist with more-than-two-person renovation […]

you are humphrey bear

In the course of a conversation: He says: “You’re a regular Humphrey Bear aren’t you, Marita?” She says: “I’m a what?” He says: “You’re just like Humphrey Bear.” She says: “Oh.” Pause. She says: “OK, so just what do you mean?” He says: “Well, you lead a very exciting life.” She says: “Oh, just shut […]

not what I expected

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My workplace is salubriously located a few doors down from a brothel. It’s mostly quite unassuming (except for the name of the establishment which is painted in large letters on the front window – thereby not really constituting what is usually thought of as ‘unassuming’ at all). By and large however, it’s pretty discreet. Its […]


Moseying down the street to catch the train to work this morning I noted a new sign at the corner of a largish intersection. In flashing lights it urged drivers to ‘Give way to peds’. I did a double take having initially read it as ‘Give way to beds’ (and given my recent sightings of […]

sick’nseedy:a tale in two words

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Bad pasta. Food poisoning. Felt miserable. Threw up. Other stuff. Went home. Better now. Sort of.