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aperitif, anyone?
Last night I got home and my housemate offered me an aperitif. Splendid. Lovely pre-dinner drinkies. Just the thing. Upon relating this occurence to my office mate it became apparent that each of us needs to listen a little more closely to the other (and makes me wonder how many other conversations we’ve had resulting […]
39 hours
So, how did you spend your weekend? Well, I spent precisely 39 hours in the company of just the one person. And he didn’t run away, arms flung in the air, shrieking.* What’s more, neither did I. Curious. Happy too. 🙂 * (Although he may have if he saw me just before attempting to work […]
my monthly metcard
My monthly Metcard is the vital component in my own personal transport arsenal. I use it most days in my to-ing and fro-ing. As the sole public transporter in my workplace my monthly Metcard is also in high demand from workmates with meetings in the city during the day. Today, for example, it has gone […]
and the answer is …
Prozac. Seriously. And no. It’s not for me. (I’m not that upset about the demise of Kim.) It’s for Miss Maisie and her ‘classic case’ of anxiety-based behaviours. According to the dog psychologist we’ll ditch the canine treatments and start on the people pills. And if Prozac doesn’t work … there’s always Aropax… or Zoloft […]
I hate fit balls
Fit balls. The new bane of my existence. We use them a lot in training – and they are quite good for ensuring proper technique when doing twenty bazillion abdominal crunches (yes, we’re down there for a while.) Anyway, today Adam made us do something new. Which seemed to basically involve me falling off one […]
Sneeze. Sneeze. Sneeze. SNEEZE. SNEEZE. Sneeze. Bless you. ‘Fanks. Snortle. LOUD and protracted blowing of nose ensues. (….76 trombones in the big parade….) Sigh. Repeat in loop. Enter: “Propel” Fitness Water – The Vitamin Enhanced Water Beverage. (Puhleaze.) One free sample at the train station this morning. Perhaps it’ll work. Drinks. Waits. Sneezes. SNEEZES again. […]
the new job
I have a new job! Brand-spanking new. Shiney and lovely and pristine. No one has ever done it before. And it’s mine. Hooray. Now I have to go and write a list or several.
the pirate wore brogues
History conferences tend to bring together a very weird and wonderful slice of humanity. They’re certainly not all old crusties by any means despite what you may think – there is a fair percentage of young nerdy types too! Actually, ‘nerdy’ is probably not quite right – it’s more like just a bit strange. As […]
Why did they ring today? The only day this week I’ve worn oh so casual jeans and docs to work (because I knew I’d be schlepping big boxes of books around and a girl needs to be appropriately dressed) is the only day the recruitment company chooses to ring and ask that I “come in […]
how to be cool
Hey, I’m about 15 and hanging out in a tram shelter watching myself blow smoke rings in the glass reflection. Man, am I cool? In fact, I’m so busy watching my reflection I don’t notice the steadily elongating piece of ash on the end of my ciggie until it drops onto the front of my […]